Amazon Merchandise : Aocii 20pcs Complete Body Digicam Sensor Cleansing equipment, Digicam Lens Cleansing Answer, 24mm Sensor Cleansing Swab, 30ml Sensor Cleaner, for Sony Nikon Canon FF CCD CMOS
Original price was: $ 24.99.$ 17.99Current price is: $ 17.99.
Package deal Dimensions | 7.09 x 5.12 x 1.26 inches |
Merchandise Weight | 2.82 oz. |
Merchandise type quantity | cmosswab2420 |
Buyer Opinions |
4.6 out of five stars |
Absolute best Dealers Rank | #111 in Digicam & Photograph Cleansing Kits |
Date First To be had | October 31, 2024 |
Producer | shenzhenshi yichuangxunchi keji youxiangongsi |
Nation of Starting place | China |
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13 reviews for Amazon Merchandise : Aocii 20pcs Complete Body Digicam Sensor Cleansing equipment, Digicam Lens Cleansing Answer, 24mm Sensor Cleansing Swab, 30ml Sensor Cleaner, for Sony Nikon Canon FF CCD CMOS
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Espoir –
Represents a small per-cleaning expense and it’s well worth it
Sensor cleaning is not something that I do frequently but when it is unavoidable I now use only the specialized swabs like these that cover the full (or APS-C) sensor width. Before this I used the folded PEC-PAD technique that was a little less refined and sometimes came unfurled in the process. Having a full sensor-width pad to allow a single cleaning swipe (or two by flipping the pad) is much safer.I do actually used these pads for lens cleaning more than for sensor cleaning. For both telescope and camera lens objectives I first use the fluid that comes with this kit on a microfiber cloth wrapped over my index finger to start in the lens center and do an outward spiral cleaning pattern. I then use one of these sensor swabs only around the circumference to pick up any dust in the corner left by the previous step. This fluid leaves a wet trail but dries without any trace unless you leave a puddle when you stop.I no longer mess around with my own cleaning solutions and process for delicate sensors since these kits are so cheap and safe to use. Highly recommended.
Keith C. –
Soft and perfectly sized cleaning swabs
Very convenient way to clean the sensor, interior mirrors and external view finder. The pads are a good size for cleaning the interior parts in a single pass. The material has a soft surface to resist scratches with a good internal support frame to keep its shape. The solution does a nice job and is non-streak.
Bob Lu –
Seems to work fine
Since this set is from a brand previous unknown to me, I decided to be careful and do the first test on an old tablet screen rather than my actual camera. I am happy to report that the swab combined with the cleaning fluid seems to work pretty well. Susta are removed with little to no streaking. The only reason I am not putting a five star here is that I have not actually tested on a camera sensor.
GVHen –
Very good solution for cleaing full frame sensor
Very good product and easy to use. Spray one side of the swap. Swipe. Turn over. Swipe the other way. Easy as pie. Does the trick on my Canon R8. Used the other, small side to clean viewfinder and could use it to clean lens too. The 20 included long swabs are nice and individually wrapped, but I wonder if they should include smaller lengths to make it even easier to travel. But they inlcude a nice travel pouch which is a good touch. And I suspect the amount of cleaner provided is pretty good too. Wouldn’t mind if it was a bit less expensive, but this is recommended.
Mark Umstot –
You need these for cleaning your camera sensor
Please don’t use anything but specialty items like this to clean your camera’s sensor. Want to ruin your camera? Use something besides these cleaners. Honestly, just think of these as disposable. Use once and dispose.It helps if you have a magnifying lit lenses to view your sensor to make sure it’s completely clean. But this should last you several years if you’re careful with putting your lenses off and on. Just be careful.
Ad clark –
Works perfectly
Perfect and easy solution for cleaning your digital camera sensor.
Star Gazer –
An easy way to keep your photos looking good
I have been using DSLR digital cameras long enough to remember when the only way to get rid of hard stuck dust on your sensor was to send it back to the manufacturer. This kit is an easy do-it-yourself way to keep the sensor clean on your camera. It comes with 20 sensor cleaning sticks which have a pad on one end to clean the sensor and a small pad on the other to clean your viewfinder. It also has a small squirt bottle of liquid cleaner and a nice cloth bag to carry the pads and cleaner in. It is easy to use, and I will be keeping the bag in my camera bag in case I need to clean my sensor in the field. Nice to have.
Aaron H. –
I used this kit on my D800 and it helped a lot
I’ve had some issues with persistent specks on my D800’s sensor, and my improvised cleaning efforts helped a little, but didn’t work great.Using one of these helped, but using a second one with a little more care got me to a spot I am quite happy with.It wasn’t instant perfection, or even eventual perfection, but it is acceptable now and, perhaps most importantly, no harm seems to have been done.
Jensor –
Set besteht auch 20 Swabs (Fusselfreien “Wattestäbchen”). Diese Swabs sind trocken (gibt es auch vorher in Reinigungslösung getränkt). Einem Reinigungslösung und einem Textilbeutel.Den Beutel finde ich etwas Unnötig, die Swabs befinden sich ohnehin in einer wiederverschlieÃbaren Plastiktüte. Dazu sind die Swabs noch einzeln verpackt.Soweit so gut. Der Swab ist sogar beidseitig einsetzbar, eine Seite so groÃ, dass man mit einem Wisch den ganzen Sensor abdecken kann und eine kleine Seite damit man auch das Glas am Sucher reinigen kann. Letztes kannte ich noch nicht und finde ich gut.
Gaëlle –
Ce kit est très facile à utiliser et avec de la minutie on parvient à nettoyer totalement l’objectif, la lentille et le cadre de l’appareil photo. On peut aller dans les plus petits recoins grâce à la brosse à double tête. Il y a 20 brosses et un flacon de 30 ml de nettoyant, ainsi qu’un sac de rangement. Le nettoyant est efficace et sèche rapidement sans laisser de traces. Je suis satisfaite par ce kit de nettoyage qui est très bien.
Ãngel –
Un kit de limpieza que viene muy bien embalado, presentado.Los elementos que contiene están bien precintados.20 bastoncillos muy manejables con aplicadores en los dos extremos y utilizables por las dos caras; un bote aplicador del lÃquido de limpieza mediante spray y una bolsa muy útil y atractiva para guardar o llevar todo dentro.Lo he probado en las partes más delicadas. Primero en el sensor, que es para lo que está fabricado, lo deja perfecto y sin correr ningún riesgo de dañarlo. También he aplicado los bastoncillos al visor y a las lentes e incluso la pantalla trasera.Recomiendo una sola pulsación de spray bien dirigida al bastoncillo, no es preciso empaparlo para lograr un gran resultado de limpieza.El precio puede parecer algo caro, pero tengamos en cuenta que se trata de limpiar las partes más delicadas de nuestras cámaras, las esenciales, y esas si que cuestan dinero. Teniendo en cuenta que incluye 20 bastoncillos utilizables por los dos extremos y las dos caras de cada uno de ellos, tenemos elementos de limpieza para mucho tiempo. El recipiente contiene una cantidad de spray de sobra para poder seguir usando con recambios.En el momento que vayamos a proceder a limpiar los sensores de forma minuciosa debemos sentarnos cómodamente, preparar bien el espacio en un lugar limpio en que no pueda producirse polvo y hacerlo con tranquilidad.El producto es práctico y muy eficaz no deja restos y no hay peligro de dañar nada durante su uso. Este kit ya está en uno de los bolsillos de la mochila con la cámara, para que vayan siempre juntos.
Flavio –
Si tratta di un kit di pulizia per sensori full frame che permette 20 interventi di pulizia.Ho utilizzato diversi kit negli ultimi anni, possedendo diverse fotocamere full frame per il mio lavoro da fotografo. I kit di pulizia fai da te sono decisamente più economici rispetto ai centri di assistenza e soprattutto si evita di lasciare in assistenza la fotocamera per qualche giorno.Il kit è composto da 20 bastoncini con spatolina ed un flaconcino di liquido per pulizia (spray).La spatolina morbida va inumidita con il liquido e passata sul sensore.NOTA: prima di procedere alla pulizia è consigliabile rimuovere eventuali granelli di polvere soffiando aria con una pompetta per pulizia fotocamere (non inclusa).Il kit funziona, ho apprezzato l’idea di mettere sull’altro lato della spatolina una punta più piccola per pulire anche l’oculare.Amo un po’ meno l’idea di tenere il liquido di pulizia in uno spray. La quantità di liquido da usare deve essere piuttosto precisa, e gli spray in questo sono meno gestibili. Forse un contagocce poteva essere più indicato.
Buenas presentación de el producto