STMNT Grooming Items Dry Clay | Further Matte End | Tremendous Sturdy Regulate | Simple to Wash Out
$ 24.95
From the emblem
Julius Cvesar Assortment
StayGold Assortment
Nomad Barber’s Assortment
Language : German
Product Dimensions : 2.95 x 2.95 x 1.89 inches; 6.74 oz.
Merchandise style quantity : sgrhjh-1443
Producer : AmazonUs/FB8DA
Nation of Starting place : Germany
Jacob –
Favorite hair product
This right here is one of my favorite products for styling my hair. I go to a relatively high end barber/stylist and he put me on to this product. It holds well, and depending on how much you use or how you prepare your hair you can get different looks. If you mix it with water then put it in your hair you get a gel looking consistency. If you get your hair lightly damp and mix it in you can get a more natural look with great hold. Using it on completely dry hair is my least favorite way of application, it is sticky as it is “clay” and I feel its a little harder to style and looks like you have a dry product in your hair. Nonetheless, it has great hold and scent. I get complimented pretty regularly on my “cologne/deodorant” only to inform them its my hair product.
CB –
Great product. Good hold without feeling like glue.
My new stylist recommended this product but was out of it at the salon. It holds my hair in place without feeling stiff and glue-like. The result is a cute pixie cut that is touchable and looks even better the second day. Hurrah!!While the smell is a little masculine, it is not overwhelming or offensive to my spouse. I really like it. The clay is kind of hard to get out of the container at first, but it warms up quickly in my hand.I hated my other hair product and like this one much better. Two thumbs up!
JM –
Dried out
Like many who have given bad ratings, mine was dried out. It’s hard as a rock. I guess if you buy this product, buy the larger size. Smells good but right now it’s unusable. I’ll see if I can bring it back to life
Amazon Buyer –
This is my new go-to hair clay
Since my old hair clay was discontinued, I have tried numerous other ones from here on Amazon. Out of all the ones I’ve tried this one has become my new go-to favorite. It has really good strong hold for my fine (thinning) hair and it even seems to give some weight and thickness to it. It doesn’t make my hair feel greasy and the next day it washes out very easily with just one lather – some of the others I’ve tried needed multiple tries to feel like my hair was clean. It does hold very strong (but not like glue) so if you like to run your fingers through your hair during the day this might not be for you. Other reviews have complained about the smell but I don’t mind it at all – in fact, I have received several compliments on how nice my hair smells. One thing I like about this clay is that you don’t need to be so precise with the amount you use. Some other clays have a fine line between being just right or suddenly too greasy if you use just a bit too much. This one isn’t like that. If I don’t use enough on the first try I just grab a little more and add to it – I’m not super concerned about using too much and having my hair look like a greasy mess.The only negatives that I can think of are sometimes it has some small clumps when you are rubbing it in your hands, but you just need to make sure those are gone before you apply it to your hair. The other is just trying to get a fresh batch from Amazon. When I first found this brand, I bought three of the smaller sizes and two of them arrived with the seal broken and the contents were very old and dried up. Of course Amazon gave me a refund, but it was just inconvenient. When you get a good/fresh one this stuff is great. I just wish they had better quality control over the small containers. I recently just went for it and bought one of the larger containers and it was completely sealed and fresh so maybe that’s the way to go from now on.I have found one other brand that really works for me and is very comparable to this one. The “Dash For Him Hair Clay” is also really good but the hold on it just isn’t as strong. That one is my second go-to hair clay for days when I want to switch things up.
Ninnie –
Hair clay
Great product for men’s hair. How’s the style, easy to use
OkWhatever –
Very good
My stylist used this on me and I had to get some for myself. Works better than anything else I’ve ever used for hair that is scissor cut on the sides with a little bit of length on top. A little bit goes a long way, so one container should last a pretty long time for most people who would be using this product. Smell good too, very subtle and pleasant. Doesn’t have a pungent or biting aroma like some other products do.
N. Foss –
Finally product that work for my hair
I think I have tried every product made for hair ever made. I have tried the messy look and the glue look but nothing was easy to get the messy look or the spiky look I wanted – the casually messy but still sculpted look. This is just right. I am Norwegian so I have light weight hair and this gives it a good weight and just easily give it volume and hold while looking effortless. I can’t believe it took me so long to find the right product. Where it used to take me a good 5 minutes of fiddling with my hair and even then it only sometimes came out looking the way I wanted it to, now in 15 seconds it looks great. Great hair effortlessly – I am in heaven.
Sam –
Extremely strong smell. my wife hated it
product showed up with the seal broken. it caused the clay to be dried out. Even if it hadn’t been dried out I would have returned it. The smell was very potent. You could use this instead of cologne it was so strong. I ended up going with a different product that I knew had a milder scent instead of asking for it to be replaced.
Michel –
At first I was afraid the product was old and dried up so I was mad. But then I thought this is dry clay it be be like this on purpose. It is very hard in the container but once rubbed in hands it softens a little. I have semi long hair that I slick back and products that are strong enough to prevent my hair from drooping to the side make my hair look like a greasy rock. This stuff has one of the strongest holds I’ve tried and the hair looks natural it is perfect. The only down side is it does not spread easily but that is understandable for this hold. Once you get used to applying it it is well worth it. And it smells a little like spruce or cedar very nice
Basti –
Ich hab das STMNT Dry Clay jetzt seit ein paar Wochen in meiner täglichen Routine, und wenn man auf der Suche nach einem Produkt ist, das für ultra matten, trockenen Halt sorgt, ist man hier genau richtig.Halt und Look:Das Dry Clay macht genau das, was es verspricht – es gibt einen extrem trockenen, matten Look. Im Vergleich zu Pasten, die oft einen leicht glänzenden oder feuchteren Look haben, ist dieses Produkt wirklich trocken. Also wenn man auf diesen natürlichen, strukturierten “Out of Bed”-Look steht, ohne dass die Haare fettig oder glänzend wirken, dann wird man hier fündig. Es sorgt für einen festen Halt, aber die Haare bleiben trotzdem formbar.Anwendung:Im Vergleich zu Pasten, die oft cremiger sind, ist das Dry Clay etwas fester in der Konsistenz, was aber normal für ein Clay-Produkt ist. Man muss es in den Händen gut verreiben, um es auf Temperatur zu bringen, bevor man es in die Haare einarbeitet. Aber wenn es einmal drin ist, lässt es sich richtig gut verteilen und sorgt sofort für den matten, trockenen Look. Für das Ergebnis braucht man wirklich nur eine kleine Menge, das macht das Produkt sehr ergiebig.Duft:Der Duft ist auf jeden Fall mal was anderes – geht in die holzig-maskuline Richtung mit Lavendelanteilen und ist schon ziemlich präsent. Nichts für jeden, weil er echt kräftig rüberkommt. Wenn man auf markante Düfte steht, dann passt das auf jeden Fall. Aber ich sag mal so: Wer eher auf was Dezentes steht, für den könnte es vielleicht ein bisschen zu viel sein.Trockener Effekt:Weil es wirklich ein Clay ist, fühlt sich das Haar nach dem Auftragen trocken und griffig an, was den großen Unterschied zu cremigen Pasten ausmacht. Die Haare behalten diese raue Textur und lassen sich dadurch super formen, ohne dass man ständig nachstylen muss.Auswaschen:Trotz des trockenen Finishs lässt sich das Dry Clay überraschend leicht auswaschen. Mit normalem Shampoo bekommst du es schnell und rückstandslos raus. Da hatte ich bei anderen Clays schon ganz andere Erfahrungen, aber das hier wäscht sich super easy aus.Preis-Leistung:Das Clay liegt zwar preislich etwas höher, aber für ein hochwertiges Clay-Produkt mit starkem, mattem Halt ist der Preis völlig okay.Fazit:Wenn man auf der Suche nach einem richtig matten und trockenen Styling-Produkt ist, das starken Halt bietet, ist das STMNT Dry Clay perfekt.
Seb –
Super rendu mat et fixation au top.Pas de résiduUn peu dur à étaler dans la main mais ça vaut le coup
Hans kazan –
Goed product. Niet vettig.Weinig nodig en gaat dus lang meeRuikt netjes en aanbrengen gaat snel.Handen makkelijk weer schoon te maken.Deze ga ik gebruiken zolang er nog haar op mijn hoofd zit 🙂
Jesus VF –
Sin duda, una de las mejores ceras de pelo, que he podido utilizar en cuanto al olor y la fijación. Sí que es cierto de que quizás fija demasiado el pelo, y si quieres poder moldearlo después es bastante complicado jaja